Friday, June 10, 2011

All Ollie all the time!

So I recall a statement by my lovely wife about 4-5 weeks ago saying something along the lines of "So are you ready?"   And of course my ignorant self says "Ready for what?"   So as the story goes she says, "For your life to be completely turned upside down when we get the puppy."  The End

Well that's probably not exactly how the story went be it was something really similar, and BOY was she right.

So we have been blessed the joy of raising this puppy, and watching him grow.  And Grow he has, he doesn't appear to get any bigger, but every time he takes a nap, I"m convinced he grows in his sleep.

So as a tribute to the last 2 weeks.  Here is a dial-up unfriendly tribute to the "puppy piranha" as the neighbors nephew calls him.

Ollie giving "kisses" to the camera.

Although through this week we learned what real ducks look like, then have suddenly became interested in real ducks, we are still slightly afraid of the creek.  But before too long... watch out ducks Ollie wants to play.

Practicing our sad face

Our bed finally came in the mail.

Worn out, and hot.  About the only time I like to sit still for the camera.
 And of course it wouldn't be any fun without moving pictures.

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