Saturday, August 28, 2010


Rascals....that's about all I can think of at the sight of this evidence.

The botanical garden being as large as it is, it becomes quite the animal habitat. So...due to the safety factor, there are literaly hundreds of groundhogs around the place. Probably a dozen or more around the garden area. So even though there is a game fence where the garden is, the burrowing critters seem to make themselves at home. Talking to the locals (people that gardened here last year) one of the critters made his home near us last year, well apparently he is a creature of habit and has made burrows in the same places as last year, which happens to be in the plot behind us.

Which leads me to suspect him as the culprit.  I guess the neighbors tomatoes weren't good enough anymore and he wanted some of the delicious looking sweet corn I"ve been waiting patiently for.  Well the critter got ahold of probably 5 or 6 of our stalks and just helped himself to a good meal. No different than his tomato diet he doesn't finish anything, just eat half and move on to the next.  Someone should really teach this critter some manners about finished what he started.

So the lessons in organic gardening here is no matter what the pest, it seems your faced with challenges from the git-go. If it's not small cucumber beetles, stink bugs, cut worms, tomato blight, squash mildew, or the 4 legged larger variety, something is always keeping you on your toes.

A fence would have helped with the critter but due to the way it all worked out we didn't put one up, a) because of the cost in doing so with a temporary first time plot, and b) the critters were only attacking the big large fruitfull gardens at the other end to begin with. So we will know next time.

But to fight the mildew and cucumber beetles this stuff works wonders.  Promised dad I would get the info for him so here it is.  Neem oil is classified as organic and in comparison to some of the other stuff isn't really that bad on price.  
Neem oil and sprayer we have been using, the sprayer was like $7 and change, and the oil was like $9 or so but is a concentrate so a little goes quite a ways.  Lowes here carried both of these, but we had to go to 2 stores to find it.
Here are some pretty pictures to end my ramblings....
My beautiful bride out watering the mess we call our garden.  (this picture is from the south side which we never take a picture of since a plot of weeds is in the way.)

Neighbors sunflowers, just a nice end of summer image.
Hope everyone finds themselves enjoying the blessings of the day!

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